Sunday, January 14, 2018

Transits 2018 And Their Influence on Your Destinies

The transits of slow moving planets are always very important because they stay in each sign and in each Nakshatrafor a longer period of time, compared to the fast-moving planets and these transits influence our lives in one or the other ways.
Rahu and Ketu transit in each Nakshatra for about 8 months. In 2018 Rahu will transit Aslesha Nakshatra ruled by Mercury and Pushya Nakshatraruled by Saturn in Cancer sign. Ketu will transit Sravali Nakshatra ruled by Moon and Uttarashadha Nakshatra ruled by Sun in Capricorn sign.

Saturn transits in each Nakshatra for approximately 13 months. Saturn goes retrograde on April 17, 2018 at 15 degrees in Sagittarius sign. Saturn goes direct on September 6, 2018 at 8 degrees, 31 minutes in Sagittarius sign. Saturn will be transiting Moola Nakshatra ruled by Ketu, and Purvashadha Nakshatra ruled by Venus in Sagittarius sign in 2018. 

Jupiter transits in each Nakshatra for about 5 months and 10 days.  Jupiter will go retrograde on March 8, 2018 at 29 degrees in Libra sign, and then go direct on July 10, 2018 at 19 degrees 19 minutes in Libra sign. Jupiter will stay in its own Vishakha nakshatra in Libra and Scorpio signs most of the time in 2018. During this time Jupiter will be transiting Swati nakshatra ruled by Rahu, Vishaka nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Saturn and then Jyeshtha nakshatra ruled by Mercury.

Then we have Mars and Saturn conjunction in the month of April 2018. There will be Mars and Ketu conjunction during June, July, August, September 2018 in Capricorn sign, where Mars is exalted. Mars goes retrograde on June 26, 2018 at 15 degrees in Capricorn sign close to Ketu. Mars goes direct on August 27, 2018 at 4 degrees 35 minutes in Capricorn.

There are three Mercury retrogrades in 2018. Mercury goes retrograde on March 22, 2018 at 22 degrees 53 minutes in Pisces sign in Revati nakshatra. Mercury goes direct on April 15, 2018 at 10 degrees 47 minutes in Pisces sign.Second time Mercury goes retrograde on July 25, 2018 at 29 degrees 26 minutes in Cancer sign. Mercury goes direct on August 18, 2018 at 17 degrees 30 minutes in Cancer sign. Third time Mercury goes retrograde on November 16, 2018 at 19 degrees 26 minutes in Scorpio sign. Mercury goes direct on December 6, 2018 at 3 degree 15 minutes in Scorpio sign. We also have Mercury and Ketu conjunction in February 2018, followed by Mercury and Rahu conjunction in end of June / beginning of July 2018.

Venus goes retrograde on October 5, 2018 at 16 degree 49 minutes in Libra sign. Venus goes direct on November 16, 2018 at 1 degree 13 minutes in Libra sign. There will be Venus and Ketu conjunction in end of January 2018, followed by Venus and Rahu conjunction in June 2018. You can contact me for your 2018 varshaphala reading. I wish everyone the best in 2018

In the 2018 annual charts and your birth chart reading I will analyze the mahadasha / Bhuktis / Antharas that are operational in your astrology chart in 2018 using nakshatras analysis. Mahadashas /antardasa/ prtiyantardasa determine what major events, such as change of job,  quality of relationship, love, starting a new business, getting married, or success in a competition exam, or relocation etc. will take place in your life during next 12 months.

I will also analyze the influence of the slow-moving planets such as Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and in your astrology chart how will they slow down your, life, projects, plans and may give you stress, anxieties, disappointments, break-up or rejections. How can you turn your tables on them?

Making a SWOT analysis in your birth chart along with current transit analysis coupled with analysis of dasa system, I will advise that how can you meet the impending challenges in your lives bravely. Working on your strengths and weaknesses you can overcome threats or convert them into opportunities. 

Thank You

Astrologically Yours

Prof. Kousaal