Thursday, February 11, 2016

Necessity of Matching The Horoscopes for Relationship or Marriage Compatibility

Matching of horoscopes for marriage is not an easy though is a necessity for a peaceful, long-term and healthy relationship. An astrologer needs decades of practical experience as well solid understanding of principles of Indian astrological system based on sage Prashara’s spiritual consciousness and wisdom (Rishi Prashara taught principles of astrology to his disciples through “Brahat Prashara Hora Shastra”, a book, written in Sanskrit the ancient language of India,  thousand years ago). Those ancient principles of astrology are still relevant in the modern society if applied with astrological wisdom and astuteness. When people consult those individuals who claim themselves mavericks or next to God, when they even don’t know an iota of astrology and are not even qualified to practice astrology, the innocent vulnerable advice seekers become victims to their sheer greed and a cheating mentality. These kinds of so called astrologers do snapshot match- making which does not qualify the basic principles of marriage compatibility, and they endorse or reject the matching outright based on their insufficient astrological knowledge and expertise. Such actions lead to disastrous results which gave a bad name to astrology. Guna Milan (Kuta agreement) is a very outdated method of match-making which is popularly used by these monster astrologers and have created havoc in peoples’ lives. So my honest suggestion is that Guna milan method is very erroneous if used in isolation without caring about the holistic astrological approach and may give very damaging predictions. So general strengths of both the birth charts should be reviewed and following 4 aspects must be studied in detail before Kuta agreement analysis
These are: Longevity, Mental & psychological health, financial health, factors showing more than one marriage or relationship and malefic content such as Martian deadly influences. Kuta agreement comes only after these 4 factors have been found satisfactorily.
Some people match horoscopes based on their sun signs which is very popular in western astrology and we see our day to day future based on birth sun signs. This is the most impractical approach and has no astrological basis. As per astrological principles, the sun transits through all the 12 zodiac signs in 12 months. So we can say Sun stay in one particular zodiac signs for about a month. We all know that we have more than 7 billion global population and about 600 million people are born a particular sign. How can all 600 million people have the same lives and futures? So matching horoscopes based on sun signs is ridiculous.
These are a couple of thoughts on matching birth charts for marriage compatibility from me. I like to make a point here that please always look for a knowledgeable professional astrologer who provides the genuine advice though at a higher price than others (I have experienced all the time that potential service seekers ask first for the consultation charges and not for the professional qualifications, experience and skills of an astrologer.)

Please always avoid astrologers who are not transparent about their fee structures. Ask tough questions to assess their competence and beware of scoundrels and nonprofessionals.

Please provide your feedback.

Thank You

Astrologically yours,

Pankaj Kousaal

Friday, February 5, 2016

Trudeau’s Cabinet 2015: Astrological Analysis of Cabinet Formation & Performance


When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took oath along with his cabinet the Ascendant Sagittarius was arising in Moola constellation at 4 degree. Moon was also transiting in Magha Nakshatra. Both Moola and Magha Nakshatra are lorded by Ketu which was present in 4th house from ascendant & 8th house from Moon. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter & debilitated Venus. 

 Indeed, the time by the end of 2016 which is ruled by Ketu is  challenging and tumultuous for Trudeau cabinet in terms of implementing the Herculean promises such as refugee immigrants of Syria and may be some kind of  chaos may result. 

The Sagittarius ascendant indicates collective wisdom, leadership, generosity, transparency, inclusiveness, diversity, good intentions, big heart & social change. The liberal government will work in the direction of carrying forward their promises made during the election campaign. Its lord Jupiter with Moon makes GajKesari Rajyoga in 9th house indicates honest intentions for transparency government response to media and people of Canada. Overall strong and responsive government with no external political threats.  Political and Radical conspiracies may raise its heads. 

 Ketu in 4th house represents doubt, confusion, lukewarmness, introspection, which indicates that liberals may make bad judgments with regard to immigration, economy, employment generation, infrastructural projects, and internal security.

The Dasa periods of Venus and Sun are not favourable for government particularly between March 2016 and  August 2016 will be more challenging, controversial and full of brickbats.

Vimsottari Dasa for 4 years Cabinet Term:

 Maha Dasas: 
 Ven: 2015-12-31 to 2016-09-01
 Sun: 2016-09-01 to 2016-11-13
 Moon:2016-11-13 to 2017-03-11
 Mars: 2017-03-11 to 2017-06-05
 Rah: 2017-06-05 to 2018-01-11
 Jup: 2018-01-11 to 2018-07-26
 Sat: 2018-07-26 to 2019-03-11
 Mer: 2019-03-11 to 2019-10-08

The government will face challenges in furthering its political ambitions and huge controversies may take place with respect to immigration policy,  and Canada’s participation in international affairs. 

 Rahu (North Node) in 10th house along Mars and debilitated Venus indicates overambitious goals such as   legalising marijuana and amending Bill C- 36 (prostitution) will not be well received by conservative sections of society and may be postponed til mid of  2017. Time between June 2017-July 2018 will favorable for foreign affairs and give a great name to the Trudeau government, 

Trudeau needs to execute his plans with confidence, but caution and patience. There are indications that government may face opposition attacks due to an inexperienced cabinet and inpractical approach.

Long Live Canada and All the best!!!

Thank You

Astrologically Speaking,

Prof. Kousaal