Thursday, October 8, 2015

Prediction about Liberal PM Candidate Justin Trudeau's Winning in Federal Election 2015

As per,_Justin, the date of birth and time of birth of Justin Trudeau, the leader of Liberal Party of Canada is Dec. 25, 1971 and 21.27 respectively at Ottawa which may not be an authentic source. But if we take this source as correct then above cited is the birth  chart of Justin Chart. We don’t have correct times of birth for CPC leader Stephen Harper & NDP leader Tom Mulcair. We have their dates of birth but not the times of birth. So it is very difficult to analyse their charts with some conclusiveness because we don’t know what ascendant was rising at the time of birth of Mr. Harper and Mr. Mulcair. However, we can predict though little from the moon sign. So I will avoid making any prediction about their chances in this elections based on their individuals birth charts.

So I have found some trends in Justin Trudeau’s chart which show positive indications for his winning.
 Leo ascendant is rising at 6⁰34” in Justin Trudeau's birth chart as per Prashara System (Vedic astrology). He is undergoing the major period of Moon and sub period of Jupiter as per Vimshottri Dasa system. In Rasi Chart (D-1), the Jupiter and Mercury are positioned in trines from each other. Moon is placed in eighth house (a house of changes, suddenness and miracles) whereas Jupiter, the lord of 5th house, is sitting in 4th house (a house of throne or position) with Mercury a signification of communications which indicates he will lead the Liberals with great sagacity & strategy regaining the lost glory in previous federal election 2011 providing stable position and Great Hope to LPC. Moreover, Yogakarka planet Mars is in parivartana yoga (exchange) with Jupiter between 4th and 8th house.  It indicates a sudden and surprise rise of Mr. Justine Trudeau to the  highest position in Federal Government.  The aspect of Retrograde Saturn (lord of 6th and 7th house) from 10th house indicates that win is not easy and he will move inch by inch towards the glorious victory.  Jupiter-the sub-period lord is positioned in Jyestha Nakshatra ruled by Mercury in his birth chart which is the lord of 2nd & 11th   houses and posited in 4th house with Jupiter making a yoga of lords of 2nd, 11th and 5th and 8th houses  which indicates that new Canadians are seeing greater hope for ‘the change’ in government under the leadership of Justin Trudeau.

Here under is the calculations of Vimshottri dasa

Vimsottari Dasa:

 Moon MD:  2012-11-05 - 2022-11-06
  Jup AD:  2015-10-07- 2017-02-02

   Pratyantardasas in this AD:

   Jup:  2015-10-07 - 2015-12-10
   Sat:  2015-12-10 - 2016-02-23
   Merc:  2016-02-23 - 2016-05-01
   Ket:  2016-05-01 - 2016-05-30
   Ven:  2016-05-30 - 2016-08-22
   Sun:  2016-08-22 - 2016-09-16
   Moon:  2016-09-16 - 2016-10-26
   Mars:  2016-10-26 - 2016-11-23
   Rah:  2016-11-23 - 2017-02-02

Currently,  Jupiter lord of 5th & 8th house), Yogkarka Mars ( lord of 4th 7 9th houses, the most  benefic planet for the natives born with Leo ascendant) & Venus (lord of 3rd & 10 house) are  transiting in ascendant Leo  which indicates beneficial combination for his victory.  Rahu, Sun, & retrograde and elevated Mercury in 2nd House indicates effective communication with Canadians. The aspect of Saturn 6th & 7th lord from the 4th house   on 10th house signifies the change in status. The Mutual aspect of Mars and Saturn indicates some kind of political challenge that probably may push Liberals to garner support from NDP for forming the government.

From this chart, it seems as if Justin has the potential to pull Liberals out of the lost glory in the previous federal election and take to new heights in the Federal Election 2015.

Justin Trudeau 's chart looks so strong that he has the greatest opportunity to lead Canada as Prime Minister in the 42th parliament. Though we don't have the date & time when liberal party came into formation so as to construct the birth chart for Liberal Party of Canada so that I can  establish my point that Liberals will win 2015 Federal Government but even then my prediction has greater survival value.

Let us wish him good luck.


Astrologically yours
Pankaj Kousaal