Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Volatility in Stock Market still Pervasive as Predicted by Prof. Kousaal

Toronto Stock and Forex exchange market is very  weak as perdicted during this week due to retrograde Mercury and conjoining with Moon on Monday 11th 2016. Commodities particularly oil is trailing further weakening the dollar. The stock market lost 1.01% on Monday 11th Jan in a single day. It was a significant loss of 126 points though not that  much as lost (204 points) on 13th Jan. But overall this week will be in losses and the market may recover only some losses next week.
Let us watch. But stay away who have weak hearts. It may be very muddy.

Thank You
Prof. Kousaal

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stock markets witnesses huge volatility with indirect motion of Mercury in Capricorn sign

Canada's Stock market TSX is booking losses due to huge volatility with effect from yesterday 5th Jan 2016 when Mercury went retrograde in Capricorn sign. In the annual chart 2016 for Canada which I uploaded with a previous post in last week of December 2015 Mercury (R) is adversely affecting  5th house and 11th houses (the twin houses of speculation and gains). The stock market will lose valuations and will dip to a new low as I predicted in my previous post. Moreover, there are aspects of Mars and Saturn on  retrograde Mercury in 5th house of the annual Chart (Capricorn sign) which indicates some unimaginable  financials and wealth creation situation for Canadian Corporate. Mercury will return to Sagittarius and will enter in on 14th Jan 2016. The 11th Jan 2016 may be the most difficult day for the market  because of conjugation of Moon &  Mercury (R) in Capricorn. So stay cautious. The stock market may recover some of the losses on 15th Jan. It is advisable for a lay investor  or the newbies to stock & shares world to stay away from the trading sessions at least up to 15th Jan, Then please review your strategy accordingly. Better not to jump in troubled waters due to volatility right now, particularly if you don't understand the stock market thing.

Thank You

Astrologically Yours

Prof. Kousaal

Monday, January 4, 2016

General Influences of Rahu and Ketu planets during 2016

The following transitory influences of Rahu and Ketu planets will be felt by the different nativities in  horoscopes subject to the relative positions, aspects and conjoint  of other planets. The holistic influences of the all the nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) as considered in Hindu Astrology, must be read by a  knowledgeable astrologer to ascertain the accurate results in a particular horoscope. No doubt Vimosattri dasa system also plays very significant role in understanding the influences including the nature of motion of the planet.

Rahu: Rahu is entering in Leo sign on 29th January 2016 and will impact the people with Leo ascendant, sun sign or moon sign throughout 2016. Rahu being a malefic planet may create physical health problem, mental stress and a moral/ethical crisis in these natives. Natives are advised to be careful about their diet plan and visit  the family doctor for a regular routine medical check-up or blood work. Sit in stillness in silence or meditate or attend a retreat  to manage work related stress. Continuously observing mind may help people to understand frustration, anger, pain, greed or unproductive stress. Rahu may also tempt natives to have doubts about their relationships/partners and may create chaos in their lives. So be cautious and don't let misunderstanding creep in among you. It is very important to have better  communication with the partners friends and relatives  to make the cloud of mistrust clear by starting a conversation  whenever seeming to taking toll.

Ketu: Ketu is entering in Aquarius zodiac sign on 29th 2016 and will impact the natives with Aquarius ascendant, sun sign or moon sign throughout 2016. Ketu is a malefic planet which generates suspicion, doubt, conspiring thoughts with a hidden agenda. The positive side of Ketu is that it has the potential to provide opportunities to initiate a SELF-search and making connections with your being. It can be the best favorable time to disconnect from your materialistic outer world for a while which is sucking you up and be with you to free yourself of the clutter of negative thoughts, mental opinions, and cleanse your mind. Ketu may give you deep insight wisdom and prudence which will come from quietening your chattering mind and making way to listening to your inner voice.  You are too busy with the other things around you now and have no time to look within you. If this time is properly utilised for sitting alone in silence for 20 minutes a day or reading a book or listening to a melody, your psyche will be refreshed and rejuvenated.  

NOTE: Please note that astrology is a predictive science and has an inherent potential for  fallacy as in the case of other streams such as Economy, Stock market, Meteorology and Geography etc. It is science as well as an art. The other point also to be taken into consideration while consulting some is the knowledge, skills and experience of the astrologer.


Thank You

Astrologically Yours,

Prof. Kousaal