The following chart shows the planetary positions rising at Ottawa (Canada) on Jan 1, 2016 at 12.01 AM. We are analysing Canada 2016 from astrological viewpoint.

The ascendant Virgo rising at 10⁰ in Hasta Nakshatra ruled by Venus provides some interesting insights. The Venus, being lord of 2nd and 9th houses is sitting in 3 house (a house of new projects, communication, initiatives, change and sports) with Saturn, the lord of 5th (strategy, creativity, higher education and innovation) and 6th houses (employment, defence, competition, endeavors) indicates the announcing of major national infrastructural projects, the initiatives to correct the oil, gas and metals slowdown, modifications in regulatory framework/ rules for better management of financial and mortgage institutions, bold reviews of Canada’s national security policies and mechanisms. Some media controversies and criticisms cannot be ruled out.
The lord of ascendant, Mercury, positioned in 5th house (in earth sign) with aspects of Mars and Saturn indicates that strategic initiatives taken by the country may suffer serious disruption and some unusual controversies may surround the ‘innovation’ initiative.
Moon & Rahu indicates the successful initiatives for integration of Syrian immigrants but not without some kind of backlash. It will not be accomplished without stressful situations on the way.
The chart also indicates that there may take place some serious downturn in stock market (TSX) between Jan to April 2016. Some kind of violence/protests can not be ruled out. The Syrian immigration quota of 25,000 may not be accomplished and probably deadline will be further extended up to end of April 2016. It clearly indicates that Canada won’t step back from its initiative on Syrian immigration. The exchange yoga between lords of 4th and 10th houses between Jupiter and Sun shows that Canada will be appreciated for its generosity towards Syrian immigrants and give a international image for humanitarian efforts. It also shows that serious efforts will be made to rehabilitate and heal the lacerating wounds of AFN communities.
We may see Bank of Canada interest rate going in negative territory between Jan-Feb 2016 or October-December 2016. Mortgage rates may be further tightened in mid 2016. Housing market may not slow down in 2016 as predicted by some economists.
body Longitude/Nakshatra Sign
body Longitude/Nakshatra Sign
Lagna 10⁰ Hasta-1 (Moon) Virgo
Sun 16⁰ Purva Shadha-1(Venus) Sagittarius
Moon 5⁰ Uttra Phalguni-3 (Sun) Virgo
Mars 4⁰ Chitra-4 (Mars) Libra
Mercury 5⁰ Uttra Shadha-3 (Sun) Capricorn
Jupiter 29⁰ Uttra Phalguni-1(Sun) Leo
Venus 8⁰ Anuradha-2 (Saturn) Scorpio
Saturn 17⁰ Jyestha -1(Mercury) Scorpio
Rahu 1⁰ Uttra Phalguni-2 (Sun) Virgo
Ketu 1⁰ Purva Bhadhra-4 (Jupiter) Pisces
Bhava Lagna 15⁰ Purva Phalguni-1 Leo
Hora Lagna 16⁰ Bharni-1 Aries
Ghati Lagna 17⁰ Bharni-2 Aries
Sree Lagna 27⁰ Kritka-1 Aries
Indu Lagna 5⁰ Magha-2 Leo
Vimsottari Dasa:
Moon: 2015-12-31 to 2016-01-30
Mars: 2016-01-30 to 2016-02-19
Rahu: 2016-02-19 to 2016-04-14
Jupiter: 2016-04-14 to 2016-06-02
Saturn: 2016-06-02 to 2016-08-01
Mercury: 2016-08-01to 2016-09-23
Ketu: 2016-09-23 to 2016-10-14
Venus: 2016-10-14 to 2016-12-13
Sun: 2016-12-13 to 2016-12-30
Thank You
Sarv Mangalaya Mangalye,
Astrologically Yours,
Prof. Kousaal
Please contact me if you have any question.
Thank You
Sarv Mangalaya Mangalye,
Astrologically Yours,
Prof. Kousaal