Chart 1:
Date of Election Declaration by Stephen Harper: August 2, 2015
Time of declaration: 10.18 AM Eastern Time
Place: Ottawa
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Election Declaration Charts (D1 & D9) |
Lagna 5 Vi 41' 02.91" UPha 3 Vi Aq
Sun - BK 15 Cn 55' 51.24" Push 4 Cn Sc
Moon - MK 15 Aq 37' 53.89" Sata 3 Aq Aq
Mars - DK 1 Cn 48' 12.01" Puna 4 Cn Cn
Mercury - 26 Cn 23' 38.81" Asre 3 Cn Aq
Jupiter - GK 4 Le 03' 08.78" Magh 2 Le Ta
Venus (R) - 5 Le 22' 52.59" Magh 2 Le Ta
Saturn - PK 4 Sc 13' 23.00" Anu 1 Sc Le
Rahu - AmK 9 Vi 34' 03.98" UPha 4 Vi Pi
Ketu 9 Pi 34' 03.98" UBha 2 Pi Vi
Vimsottari Dasa:
Rah MD: 2003-06-24 (14:31:10) - 2021-06-24 (5:13:09)
Ven AD: 2015-01-11 (9:44:43) - 2018-01-11 (4:04:07)
Moon PD: 2015-09-07 (19:15:49) - 2015-12-07 (7:12:25)
Sookshma-antardasas in this PD:
Moon: 2015-09-07 (19:15:49) - 2015-09-15 (12:18:02)
Mars: 2015-09-15 (12:18:02) - 2015-09-20 (21:23:37)
Rah: 2015-09-20 (21:23:37) - 2015-10-04 (15:43:41)
Jup: 2015-10-04 (15:43:41) - 2015-10-16 (19:02:30)
Sat: 2015-10-16 (19:02:30) - 2015-10-31 (2:33:28) (Dasa Running)
Merc: 2015-10-31 (2:33:28) - 2015-11-12 (19:38:04)
Ket: 2015-11-12 (19:38:04) - 2015-11-18 (0:42:24)
Ven: 2015-11-18 (0:42:24) - 2015-12-02 (20:46:35)
Sun: 2015-12-02 (20:46:35) - 2015-12-07 (7:12:25)
Rahu in Ascendant indicates that a radical change is ruling the horoscope at the time of declaration of federal election 2015 which will predominate the next federal election the 2015 to be held on October 19.
Rahu in Virgo Ascendant represents change, radical elements, foreign policy, militants, and National Democratic Party of Canada, stock market swings, economic challenges, conspiracies, poisons, terrorism, political attacks and explosive utterances etc.
The election date (October 19, 2015) will fall under Moon sub period and Saturn sub-sub period. The Vimshottri Dasa System is one of the greatest astrological tools available in Indian astrology to study the incidents at the time of event. So largely influences on ascendant and ascendant lord, planets Moon and Saturn representing as Dasa and antardasa lords are main indicators. So we will have to analyse their position, aspect and conjunction of these planets( Ascendant lord Mercury, Mercury, Moon & Saturn) in the D-1 and D-9 charts.
Ascendant lord Mercury (representing the conservatives, the current party in power) is sitting in 11th house of public and democracy with 3rd house lord debilitated Mars and 12th lord Sun
Moon which means people are happy with them.
Moon and Saturn do not get along well with each other.
Moon the lord of 11th house rules caandian public (voters) and positioned in 6th house (a house of change, competition & challenges). Moon indicates the psyche of public and Moon's position in 6th house clearly shows indecisiveness and confusion among Canadians which political party to be voted in to rule the country.
Saturn in third house indicates that conservatives need to walk away from their strategy of conservatism otherwise they will see a sea change in voter mood this time which may turn the tables on them and move towards other parties.
D-9 chart is also a very significant chart to be analysed along with D-1 to see the election mood and trends.
In D-9 chart, Moon is the lord of 6th house posited with Mercury the lord of 5th and 8th house (lord of Ascendant in D-1) and Saturn as the lord of lord of ascendant and 12th house (lord of 5th & 6th house in D-1) making opposite aspects with each other which also emphasizes the point that the oppositions will make fierce inroads against the incumbent conservatives party and they will have jolt if they (conservatives) do not make better strategies to win election.
Chart 2:
Date of Election: October 19, 2015
Time of start: 9.30 AM
Vimsottari Dasa:-Sub Period
Venus MD: 2013-01-26-2033-01-26
Venus AD: 2013-01-26-2016-05-27
Mercury PD: 2015-09-29-2016-03-16
Sub-Sub Period in this PD:
Merc: 2015-09-29-2015-10-24
Ket: 2015-10-24 - 2015-11-03
Ven: 2015-11-03 - 2015-12-01
Sun: 2015-12-01 - 2015-12-09
Moon: 2015-12-09 - 2015-12-23
Mars: 2015-12-23 - 2016-01-02
Rah: 2016-01-02 - 2016-01-27
Jup: 2016-01-27 - 2016-02-18
Sat: 2016-02-18 - 2016-03-16
Due to presence of debilitated Sun in D1 ascendant and sun being debilitated in D9 chart as well which is lord of 11th house-the house of voters (citizens) there will be lukewarm response from the public. The Sun being significator of politics and political power shows weakness for incoming governing body. The ascendant lord Venus is transiting in 11th house along with Mars (lord of Opposition parties representing NDP and Liberals) and Jupiter (the lord of 3rd and 6th houses) again points towards the confusion in the minds of the voters with respect to their selection of the government in the centre.
The Jupiter, the lord of 3rd and 6th houses is representing change of mood of public and the conservatives facing fierce competition from opponents. The new Canadians and immigrant community are represented by 9th and 12th house. The presence of Mercury and Rahu in 12th indicates angry immigrant mood against the current government. The C-51 amendment to the constitution perhaps will not be a great vote catcher for the conservatives. The dasa lord Mercury ‘s position also indicates that all the parties, particularly Conservatives will try to mollify new Canadians.
The 42th Canada Federal election has been declared to be held on October 19, 2015. The voters turn out will be dismal in comparison to the previous years. There may be an anti-incumbency verdict but it will be no clear majority to any single party. Conservatives have to fight a very tough battle and the win will not easy if any. Margins will be negligible if per chance the conservatives win.
Most probably there will be hung parliament and oppositions liberals and NDP may get into post poll alliance or some other arrangement to oust the Conservatives out of power.
So we can see the clear trend here for now:
1. Economy and Anti-terrorism will be main planks in this election.
2. All the three parties will try to woo the new sections of the voters (New Canadians) by their new political overtures but the voters may not be impressed by such tantrums and will be responded by low turn out.
3. No party will win absolute or simple majority. There is very less a chance of win by conservatives but, more a chance of Liberals led or shared post-poll arrangement of some kind with NDP.
Om Gurve Namah,
Thank You
Pankaj Kousaal